Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Underpants Themed Storytime

Today we read books about underwear.  Why not, right?!  The kids love this silly theme and there are a lot of children's books on the subject.

We read:
Aliens Love Underpants by Claire Freedman and Ben Cort
Veggies with Wedgies by Todd H. Doodler


Veggies with Wedgies is particularly adorable.  I'm not sure that the littler kids understood what a wedgie is and I didn't really know how to explain it to them.  I think I'll leave that up to their parents.

I found an awesome craft to go along with Aliens Love Underpants at

Here are some pictures of how our underpants loving aliens turned out.

This was such a fun storytime and a really cute craft.  There were a lot of giggles among kids and parents alike.

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